Two Senators Ousted Because they Ignored the Constitution – Who’s Next?
Published September 10, 2013

Signing of the Constitution, Howard Chandler Christy, 1940, 26ft x 18ft oil on canvas.
Tonight I cheer aloud to see that two anti gun and anti freedom Senators in the State of Colorado were RECALLED and OUSTED in a historic win for gun rights 🙂
Let it be known – When you break laws of the Constitution that WE THE PEOPLE laid upon you. You are a criminal and you will be PUNISHED.
Let it be known – That the Bill of Rights is not a book of rules on what we can do. It’s a book of rules on what our employees CANNOT do.
Let it be known – That in liberty YOU do not tell a people THEY cannot have guns. THEY TELL YOU THEY CAN!
Read the whole story on the Denver Post.
Let freedom ring.