Liberty is NOT the Fringe – Never Apologize

Published January 30, 2014 - 0 Comments


Liberty is not the Fringe. Liberty is the Foundation – I do not apologize for liberty because I do not regard those who suggest standing resolute for it is weak, outdated or naive. I do not need to. Liberty is not some radical fringe that few care about. It’s not that man who’s stuck in the past. Liberty is the cry of the ages. The realm of the sane.

The fringe are those who oppose it. Liberty stands from the beginning, that God given moral code, our freedom tempered my moral truths and blood. Liberty is what America is created on; in addition, anyone who tells you different is trying to destroy it. So NEVER apologize for liberty. NEVER back down to tyranny. NEVER allow safety to become more important. Because the only ones who trample liberty, are the ones who will be trampled by history.


The tree graphic was originally an engraving by Foster, J. R, for a Friends of Freedom anti slavery pamphlet printed in 1848. I added some illustration work (my day job) to adapt it to my thoughts to remind us what we are fighting for – G

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