Got a Permit for that Free Speech? Congressional Candidate Educates City on Constitution

by Gavin Seim: I don’t make it up. This stuff lands right in front of me and I do not back down on the Constitution. Not at home, not in DC. None of us should – We must question and challenge government all the time. Otherwise they will trample us, every time. We can use conservations like this and yes, sometimes confrontations. To light the brushfires of liberty.
Outside the post office in Ephrata WA today I waded into a debate with a city official who was telling a woman handing out anti-Obama literature that she needed a permit. I challenged him on the Constitutional authority of such a statement and addressed it’s conflict with the 1st amendment and our right to free speech.
As a contending congressional candidate, some may chastise me for taking this on. For being too excited or passionate. But liberty matters. It should always be held up in front of us – I am a conversation starter. I want officials to know they are accountable. I want to help citizens become more aware of their liberty. I have recorded videos like this for some time and I won’t be silent as a Congressional candidate. Who better to take a stand for our liberty and the Constitution than the people’s representatives?
I do want to acknowledge Ray on a positive note. I was confronting his actions as a representative of the city. They are wrong and I hope this starts a conversation about that. But Ray did handle himself calmly and stayed cool. We’re trying to start conversations about liberty and that happened here – Interestingly a CA collage just had to pay a $50,000 settlement for infringing in free speech. It’s a lesson the city should learn from.
We need to hold every level of government accountable and if they will not be accountable, we the people must remove them. I’m running for Congress because we have lawlessness from government in America. I can’t run for every office, but I can start conversations about liberty and if you send me to Congress, I will keep the conversation going.
— Gav