The Veterans Shame!

The battle at Lexington by William Barnes Wollen.
To stand we will; a stand to take, of history we will surely make. For wealth or fame we will not stand, we stand to hold this hallowed land. If die we must, defamed as dust, our victory will remain. So long that liberty holds it’s ground, our blood was spilled but our voices sound.
We Are That Shame!
I didn’t always understand, but now I do. So today I write, holding back tears because I know what we have done. I think of all those veterans willing to stand for liberty. From the blood of Crispus Attucks, to the all who stood today, I care not what patch they wear, if any at all. Heroes are not made simply because someone joins an army. Our veterans are those that stand for liberty no matter where they are. I want to thank them for real.
What matters is not the false praises of a scheming government that makes hero’s for political gain. What matters is the principle of the men that stood resolute for liberty against any odds and in all times. They carried that burden for us. Some of the greatest patriots and veterans I know are those who our the government and the military complex has tried to destroy and silence.
America should hang it’s head SHAME this day, because we have failed them. We have sold our children’s birthright for false promises of security in trade for liberty. Each year we say Happy Veterans Day, much as we say Merry Christmas, with a respect proven false because we know we will not stand for the liberty they fought to offer us. We are shamed, but we must stand and take back that liberty.
Now I have seen tyranny and I know what liberty means. The veterans I honor are not worried about cheesy cards or fluffy well wishes. What they really want is for us to be sentinels of the liberty they fought for. They want us to STAND UP and stop giving away the freedom they bled for. They want us to STOP cowering and STOP selling them out. They want us to STOP hiding in corners and start shouting from the rooftops that WE WILL STAND.
To honor their sacrifice we must STOP licking the boots of tyrants. STOP calling patriotism what government tells us is patriotic. Because things like the Patriot Act have nothing whatsoever do so with our flag, patriotism or liberty. STOP being cowards America and honor their sacrifice by grasping the treasure they purchased with blood, sweat and tears.
Today I honor all the veterans that stand for liberty. You know their names. I am no longer asleep I no longer wear that shame. I will not stand down, I will not give up. I stand with you and and I WILL NOT comply!
— Gav