Dear Grant County; I DARE YOU to Write Me Up!!
Attention Grant County Health District. I am violating your made up law.
I DARE YOU to write me up. Let’s see how that works out!

Here’s looking at you tyranny! I’m standing in my place of business and DOING IT! Perhaps I look a little silly with a pipe, but there’s a point to be made here.
The Health District just tried to make up a law. The problem is it’s not a law!
Clean air! Well doesn’t that sound nice? Let’s find out what it’s all about in the case of government.
- #1: Made up science without facts, packaged pretty to convince people that taking away liberty is good.
- #2: Government that can’t stand things they don’t control. Fear mongering propaganda is the way they take control.
- #3: Once they convince the slaves they are in danger. They can TAX TAX TAX. False science = control = money. Now repeat!
Three employes working at Grant County Health District have decided to make up a law! Yep, Pattie Anderson, Tony Massa, and Katherine Kenison have taken it on themselves to create an “ordinance” BANNING vapor devices in your businesses and within 25 feet. AS IF THEY WERE CIGARETTES! This may seem small to some, but what it represents is huge and I won’t tolerate it.
Understand I’ve never been a smoker. I simply support liberty. Recently I started using a nicotine free vapor pipe now and then. It’s non-addictive, it’s relaxing and it tends to make me snack less. It’s essentially a handheld fog machine with flavor in the liquid. A bit like that humidifier in your room. Vapor is NOT smoking, but I’ve sure seen folks STOP smoking by using it.
Government is unhappy. Why? Because they don’t control it. They don’t care about your health. They care about the massive loss of tobacco TAXES. So they’re working hard to demonize this product that helps people STOP smoking. Working hard to convince the masses it’s evil and that it’s just like smoking. And it’s working. Not because of one shred of evidence, but because the of fear mongering propaganda.
However you feel about vapor or smoke is less important than the tyranny at work here. We should not allow our public employes to get away with this sort of behavior. People have the right to use their property as they see fit. You have a right not to visit their property.
The issue is law and liberty. If you restrict something like this inside YOUR OWN business, that’s OK. If a government employee restricts it, that’s NOT OK. — Made up science and rules don’t make anyone safer. They cost us liberty. Nullification is the answer here. That means we totally ignore it. It’s not law, it’s lawless and we must stand up to lawless behavior.
You can read their ridiculous “ordinance” here. Understand that these folks are NOT legislators. They are peons extending State laws specific to tobacco and taking it on themselves to apply it to other things, pretending what they say is law. It’s like 3 guys in the water department deciding distilled WATER is bad and making up a law saying you can’t have it in public!
This is a war on private property and a defiance of legislative authority! We have to stop letting this happen at all levels of government; whether a local heath department, or the FCC. Our elected legislators have zero authority to grant their grant of making law, to others. I for one plan to contact my County Commissioners and tell them to get our employees in line.
“The legislative cannot transfer the power of making laws to any other hands: for it being but a delegated power from the people, they who have it cannot pass it over to others. — John Locke, Second Treatise.
DO NOT COMPLY! Understand that THIS IS NOT LAW, nor should it be. It was never passed to law and it’s only authority is fear and ignorance. We should openly defy this and demand that our County stop viloating the law by making a pretense of law that they have no authority in.
The best way to STOP tyranny is to defy it before it can take root.
— Gav

A sign I saw on a local grocery store.