Every Argument for Abortion DESTROYED in 10 minutes.

Published August 4, 2015 - 7 Comments

If you will not stand against the slaughter of children; may we forget that you were ever our countryman!


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Join the Day of LIFE event. Kneel, stand, fast and pray on 08/22/15. Wherever you are, stand united against abortion and rise up for life, liberty and truth. The silence how gone on long enough.


In the video we’re going to crush every abortion argument. Then expand on it here. There’s no greater genocide in history than abortion. To support it is to become an ENEMY of liberty. Liberty will NEVER ever be restored until human abortion is called murder.

1: Moral and Natural law.
Real law is now simply what government or courts say. You must have a standard to have liberty. You are your own property. The child belongs to itself and is not the mothers body. Abortion defies natural liberty in every sense.

2: Constitutional law.
Abortion violates nearly every natural right. But it especially due process. Science proves more every day how much a fetus is indeed a human being. You oppose abortion, or you oppose liberty. It’s that simple and I’m going to prove it.

3: Total Distraction.

The reason we tolerate abortion is because we are asleep to liberty. If we cared as much for children as contrived entertainment, 55 MILLION victims would be alive, in America alone! I DARE you to share this. I DARE you to stand for liberty and stop hiding your candle under a bushel. Start loving your neighbor; GROW A PAIR and start defending the weak and innocent.


Due Process!

Babies are executed under the accusation of NOT being human. All humans have a right to life. But we also have our State and Federal Constitutions which literally make abortion in every sense illegal. The 5th and 6th amendments demand that no one forfeit life or property without due process, a trial by jury, witness and defense. You don’t cease to be a human being because someone else is carrying you anymore than you cease to be human if you are on a breathing machine. Those who assert a child in the womb is not a human have to conclusively prove that that individual child is not human. The child does NOT have to prove that it is. They of course never will because the assertion is utterly ridiculous.


No, there is no exception for rape. NONE! There’s been so many lies handed down about abortion that many have come to believe them as true. If a horrible injustice is laid on you, that never gives you the right to serve an injustice on another. There’s a great quote from Rebecca Kiessling, a liberty speaker conceived in rape that sums it up very well. I dare anyone to look her in the eyes and say babies conceived in rape should be killed.

“When you make that rape exception, it’s like you’re saying to me that I deserved the death penalty for the crimes of my father. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, my father didn’t even deserve the death penalty. The Supreme Court has said there is no death penalty for rapists. But you say that I, as the innocent child of rape, deserved the death penalty?” – Rebecca Kiessling


If viability is cause to kill someone, we must also accept legal euthanasia for anyone who cannot survive on their own. This would include the sick, the elderly and yes, children. As supporters of liberty we should uphold the rights of all humans, not draw arbitrary lines to decide who is human and who is not. Is that baby human? YES or NO are the ONLY answers! If you say NO, the burden of proof is on you, not the child. The accused does not have to prove his innocence. You have to prove his guilt!

Life of the mother!

This argument is pathetic. For countless years, to save a mother, the child has sometimes had to be delivered early. Perhaps naturally or by surgery. In that process sane people do all they can to save the child. This miscarriage of the child while sometimes called abortion in medical terms has nothing to do with what society means by the term “abortion”. Trying to save both a mother and child is not immoral. Butchering a child is murder. This murder occurs when a child is intentionally killed by ANY party.

Government should stay out of it!

The government exists to protect life, liberty and property. This is literally their only job! Mostly it does not opposite of that today. But of all the things that government should be protecting, it’s the life of the innocent. Government has a sworn duty to treat abortion as murder because their entire purpose is to protect life, liberty and property. Any Constitutional sheriff has the obligation to enforce liberty and start arresting abortion doctors and those who practice it. Courts notwithstanding.

It’s My Body!

No it’s not. The body in question belongs to the child. What you think or what you define justice is not relevant. Liberty is already defined. Due process, justice, right to life. All natural laws. You either support them or you oppose liberty! When I stand up for life people start making making crazy accusations like. You don’t support liberty because I have the right to kill my baby. This complete denial of reality shows how self focused and sick minded people have become. That any woman would such a thing that should be regarded with the greatest shame.

Since some assert the mother has the liberty to kill her child and since we’re drawing ambiguous lines, maybe we should extend it. Perhaps the first year of a child’s life should be like a trial period... A mother can decide at any time during that first year and have it killed! I mean it’s only a a few months. Who are you to say a toddler is human yet? It;’s still totally dependent! — I’m being facetious of course!

Andrew Klavan, a pro abortion libertarian who recently realized that abortion does not justify itself with liberty. No matter how you size it, you’re taking innocent life. The ugly truth is that we’re not talking about pro-life and pro choice. We’re talking about pro life and pro death.

“I changed my mind about abortion, however, because after debating the issue with pro-lifers over many years, I found I consistently lost the argument” –  Andrew Klavan

The ONLY way abortion is not already illegal is if the baby in the womb is NOT a human being – Every fact upholds that they ARE human. As such the idea that abortion is legal, moral or Constitutional is utterly ridiculous.

The Solution?


First top cowering. Repent, appeal to heaven. So called liberty organization are staying silent on this and their silence is consent. If you DO NOT OPPOSE abortion. You DO NOT SUPPORT LIBERTY! — A mothers liberty does not extend to killing her children any more than a man’s liberty extends to raping a mother. Both are twisted and lawless.

We have killed a generation of men and women – Next we need to treat abortion as what it is, murder! The unconstitutional ruling of the Supreme Court in Roe vs Wade is irrelevant. Precedent is NOT law and the courts have zero authority to override human rights.

Every official from local to State to Federal must uphold our right to life, just as they should uphold our right to speech, arms, trial by jury and all the rest. It’s their job. They are legally, morally and path bound. As to the penalty for taking the life of a Child, lets let the States address that just like we do with other violent crimes.

If I am silent in defending those with no voice, that silence is consent.  — Gav


Michael Francis - August 4, 2015 Reply

Im with you Gavin, Abortion can go straight to hell

KYle - August 5, 2015 Reply

You’re a fucking idiot. kill yourself.

    Igor - August 5, 2015 Reply

    Enough killing. Time to become free!

Igor - August 5, 2015 Reply

Thank you man!
God with you!

drharris - August 9, 2015 Reply

Gavin, I’ve watched every video you have published, respect your cogent exchanges more than any other on youtube. I replied to your recent video, but in case it got lost in the crowd, I’ll attempt to get a response here. I think you have gone off track on some fundamental points, please allow me to elaborate, a reply would be appreciated, perhaps a meaningful dialogue will start. I value your opinion.
You and I think much the same, at least until recently. I’m not sure when it became fashionable to add to the constitution or restrict freedom to what is in it.
Your argument seems to hinge on what is a human being. Many have an opinion, including you, but the true issue is who has rights? This must not be an opinion, it must be without question to forever be protected. To answer this we look to the highest law of the land, the constitution gives it’s protections to every person, whether citizen or not. The 14th defining citizens as “PERSONS BORN OR NATURALIZED IN THE UNITED STATES.” Person is appears in the due process and equal protection clause. Every use is such that it has application only postnatally. At the time of adoption in 1868, there were 36 laws enacted by states limiting abortion, 21 of those laws remain in effect today. There was no question concerning the validity of these laws when the 14th was adopted. The only conclusion possible is the drafters did not intend to withdraw from the states the power to legislate this matter. The unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense.
Never, in the taking of any census has a fetus been counted.
Funerals are not commonly held for miscarriages.
A fetus has never been naturalized.
Texas homicide statutes are only intended to protect a person “in existence by actual birth”.
Is an egg a person? No. sperm, no, embryo, no, fetus,no. Nor is a fetus a baby or child.
Science defines them different because they are.
The exact moment you become a person is on birth, the time is noted, you are printed, named and a document issued as proof.
This is not a simple parsing of words, this defines who has rights. This is not open for you or anyone else to change to “human being” so as to allow whatever their religion dictates.
You are confusing rights with statutes. States have the authority to restrict or allow abortion and religious influence has resulted in the mess of legislation we have today. If you want to preach for changes in the laws, I applaud you. If you shout at me that I don’t stand for liberty if I don’t have your views, that are contrary to the constitution, I can’t help but to see an oppressive tyrant, using the leftist tactic of changing the name to achieve the goal. The court case you lost was a travesty, but it almost appears to have had a detrimental effect.
I value cogent rebuttal on this issue.

    gavinseim - August 10, 2015 Reply

    You missed the fundamental point of the video and the law itself.

    The constitution give us nothing. Nothing! It’s simply a body of law to uphold our rights that already exists. The Constitution nor the courts get to touch our rights because they are Natural, God given and inalienable. Look or further than the Defalcation for that to be affirmed.

    You can do to prison for liking an eagle fetus and all kinds of other unborn. If you kill a fetus in the womb you will be charged with murder. Yet if a woman wants to kill her child she can. That’s not the way law works. A human being is a human being; goverment has zero authority to redefine or judge the parameters of that.

Usuc - August 17, 2015 Reply

This post/video is silly because the science does NOT in any way claim that an early fetus is a human being. It’s simply not a person, it’s not sentient, it’s not a separate animal with its own rights. You can only start an argument here after the first trimester is over, because most of the organs and the brain are formed at some point during the second trimester.

It’s not anyone “deciding” it’s not a human. Science doesn’t decide anything, and we have scientific consensus that there is no evidence of a sentient, thinking being. The fetal brain begins showing unique signs of being “human” after about half way through the 9 month development.

Your work concerning the constitution I admire, but the religious stuff is crossing the line into the wacko nonsense. It undermines your other work where you stand for common principles, because religion is specific to the person and can be vastly different from your neighbor.

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