School Punishes Kids Flying FLAG! – Citizen Takes Them On!
I’m Representing LIBERTY!

The early American Gadsden patriot flag. Kids were forced to remove this, along with the confederate Battle flag and the American flag!
That’s what we all should be saying. And so should our children.
School started this week in Royal City WA. While my kids are home schooled, many kids have to suffer through our public brainwashing system. I always encourage parents to look for any other solution because our Federally run education system works in pure opposition to liberty. So while I don’t go into public schools often, I felt the need to stand with these kids.
I want to encourage the next generation to be bold for what is right. The government wants to break their spirit; I want to build it! Schools tells them their rights don’t apply at the school. It’s time they united and parents with them and defied these lies. Your rights apply everywhere!
Royal City is a small farming town nearby. A town that wears a smile and underpinned with corruption because it’s leaders have failed to stand for liberty. Crony friends are already defending lawless administrators who actually seem to think they are Royals. This is happening on communities all over America. Truth is made a lies and tyranny is called safety.
This is NOT about race, Confederates, patriot flags or safety. It’s a trickle down tactic of big goverment to break the back of liberty and crush the spirit of the generation most likely to remove them.
When I heard kids were getting in in trouble for flying flags, I decided to head down and see what was going up. The reception I got was not so much accountable public servants as gang members defending their turf. It’s well known that central Washington has a gang problem. But often our biggest and most violent gang is our own goverment.
It’s time to teach your kids to stand up. Be bold and stand with them. Better yet, get your kids our of these crazy places and teach them to stand still. American public schools are no place for children.
You can call Royal City High School: (509) 346-2222 and find their Facebook page HERE (note that they are deleting the comments of any who question them.)
The main cast of characters in this video are Principal, Matt Ellis, Vice Principal, Rick Follet and Former Mayor/Teacher, Andrew Perkins. One should also ask, where is the County Sheriff, Where are local Police, where is the Royal City Council. Are the people who took oaths to defend the Constitution silent?
Our elders have failed liberty. They sat silently and watched us slip into tyranny, sin and lies. They sat silent as the mind of slaves became the mind of America. It’s time for them and us to step up; to start loving our neighbor as our self as we stand boldly for liberty. It’s time to stop following false truths and stop playing politics for good times and false friends.
The Constitution does NOT give us rights. It affirms them as absolute upon government! YOU MUST STAND UP and take them!
— Gav