DMV Lady Flips Out after Fees Are Called Extortion!
Only goverment can treat customers this way and stay in business; because their business runs at the point of gun.
In a way this video is a test to see who is awake and who is not. The slaves will watch this video and blame me despite my calm behavior and reasonable requests. To them our duty is always blind complacence. The awake will understand the words coming out of my mouth and see that their local courthouse is a den of criminal activity; the largest enclave on crime, abuse, trafficking and robbery in your community.
In Washington the people passed a law that said we were not to be charged more than $30 for the tags that should not exist in the first place. Our goverment even ignored that command and Laurie helps enforce that violation. She’s been here for years and she’s passive aggressive nice, so long as you don’t question her.
Her hostility was immediate, she knew me. But when I casually mentioned that I was being extorted she lost it. People that rob others for a living should always be reminded of the nature of the business they are in. The real problem was not that,, it was that Laurie hates me. He buddies in this building have illegal detained, illegally searched and even assaulted me for asking questions. I’ll add a few of those videos below. It’s not that I cause problems that is the problem, its I stand up to problems.
I will be accused of being rude, disruptive or talking to the wrong person. All of these things are so clearly false to anyone who has seen the video that I won’t not even make a defense for that. We have to speak to the foot solder of tyranny. We have to remind them who they have become. More importantly we have to make conversations that show people that it’s OK to speak up themselves.
I was charged 13 fees. I was told about 4 of them. They are intentionally withholding these charges from their victims.

We the people passed a law that tags could not be more than $30. So the cronies of Washington State did this.
In any business asking for money you have the right to see an itemized list of your charges, not to have them halfway rattled on in grumpy tones by the angry lady at the counter. There is a real need for me to review every item as they often add extra fees and even fees that you have have to opt out in. The final item list reveals why they were hiding it. By saying their computer has no way to show the list, they prevent customer from knowing the fees until AFTER payment.
Some will say I failed because I pay the fees and licensing at all. They claim that driving is a right. That part is correct. But choosing that hill to die on makes it so we cannot effectively defend those in greatest peril. Thing is I’m not fighting for myself and my wallet. I understand and agree with the sentiment of refusing permits and have refused many myself. Just weigh the scales. Imagine if the hero’s who recused families from the blade of the guillotine or who sneaked victims of the Holocaust out of Germany has been focusing entirely on refusing to carry papers. It was not that they supported such tyranny, but they had bigger battles.
The vehicle permit is lawless; but it’s battle that should have occurred 50 years ago. Today we have even worse tyranny’s that take priority. We have people dying and being locked in concentration camps. The ability to travel thru occupied America to those in need without giving tyrants easy means to arrest and impound us is more important. I often see the battle over drivers licenses become battle of ego and self for those fighting it, rather than a battle over the freedom of those be hauled away beside us. A man can fight only few battles at once, he must choose carefully.
I did not go into the courthouse for a video. The arrogant people that work there created this story because they believe they are above you. So I went outside and recorded my thoughts to share why it’s important that we all stand up and use our voice on the little things. Setup, conflict created by tyrants, resolution created by us.
What if John Adams and General Washington had listened to those who said that if he did not like the British rule he should leave the colonies? Only we can make the abuse of goverment shameful, only we can show people it’s OK to stand up, only we can show principle and boldness but our example.
The place of change is not in lawless courts or at politicians desks but in the heart and looking in the eyes of enforcers and collectors. Only when the minions of tyranny are ashamed, when it’s not worth the burden anymore, only then will they refuse to bear it up and let it crumble into liberty.
Gavin Seim