The Lack of Order in Anarchy:

Published November 6, 2013 - 1 Comment

600px-Anarchy-symbol.svgAs a lover of liberty, the statistic accused me of being anarchist – This is ironic since the tyranny I stand against is a government who is itself creating chaos and violating the highest laws of our land.

Those far on the other side advocate anarchy, saying that it’s the only way we can have freedom. But in truth liberty is the opposite of anarchy, for in liberty is peace and in anarchy is chaos. I think most who advocate anarchy would detest the result of their wish.

One can be both against anarchy and against tyranny. The liberals call me anarchist for adhering to the very foundations this nation was framed on. The anarchists call me delusional for not wanting to tear down any frame at all. Can I win?

Yes – Lets consider the reality.

There is really no such thing as an anarchist society. You see, as soon as you get that chaos, those with the most muscle and biggest guns emerge and make a government anew, forcing all to follow.

Governments are instituted among men and this cannot be abolished – It therefore falls to us to restrict such governments. To bind them fast with the laws of freedom, with godly moral codes and true liberty.

There are two choices: Live under tyranny or stand up for morality and justice!


1 comment

Gavin Seim on Anarchy: A Rebuttal - Liberty Under Attack - June 23, 2016 Reply

[…] short while ago, I came across a blog post by Gavin Seim titled The Lack of Order in Anarchy. I read through it, and realized it was worthy of a rebuttal. Granted, there wasn’t much to […]

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