Congressional Candidate Gavin Seim – Video Update

Published February 21, 2014 - 2 Comments

Congressional candidate Gavin Seim shares some thoughts about the past week and what we’ve seen in the race for the 4th congressional district. Gavin has been running since December and he has a clear message to carry to DC.


Kit Arbuckle - February 23, 2014 Reply

I love your uncompromising focus on liberty, Gavin. That’s what America is about.

There are two things I’d like to know how you will address:
1) Deficit financing of the federal government
2) Special perks you would inherit as a congressman (generous pensions and insurance plans)

    gavinseim - February 24, 2014 Reply

    Hey Kit. My focus is liberty. In brief, I will stand against more spending and vote on all fronts to get our budget under control. Congress should be bound by the same laws as the rest of us.

    I have a live online town hall coming this Thurs (02/27). Tune in and ask some more detailed questions or just listen. You’ll find I welcome a good conversation..

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