An NSA Proof Phone? Gavin takes on Privacy!

Published April 3, 2014 - 1 Comment


The National Security Agency – Another lawless Federal Agency that does not line up with the authority of the Constitution. Let’s talk about that and have a little fun in the process. Just make no mistake, this is serious business. Right now the NSA is illegally spying on Americans and they don’t even care that you know, because Congress is not acting.

The key is not to lose hope, but to seek out those who are failing America and replace them. Not with fair-whether politicians, but with those that will stand up and be fighters. There are some in Congress doing that. Last year Justin Amash introduced a bill which would have severely crippled the NSA. It almost passed, but entrenched politicians like the man I was challenging kept it from happening.

This kind of lawless behavior is why I am running for Congress. It’s time for us patriots to step up, get organized. We have problems. But we also have a solutions. We Americans can step up and stop the tyranny – We can stop supporting fair-weather politicians and start demanding freedom. I appreciate your ongoing support — Gav


1 comment

Bruce - July 2, 2014 Reply

I am curious as to what you’ve done about being threatened with arrest after going to see the sheriff. You were obviously mistreated by the police repeatedly. Have you sued yet?

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