The Poison of Cowardice!

Published December 6, 2014 - 0 Comments

Cowardly_lion2I read a bulletin for an upcoming gun rally that said the following…

“Please leave your long arms home to avoid scaring uncommitted legislators into the arms of Bill Gates, Nick Hanauer and the rest of the 594 crowd. We’re going to Olympia to create a positive impression and WIN, not to put on a media show.”

While I realized this was meant as a slap to the brave patriots standing on Dec 13th, I felt it brought attention to a more critical issue that infects many well meaning liberty gatherings. COWARDICE. This political pandering that sacrifices liberty for false politeness and handshakes. This cowardice that has caused us to LOSE liberty. This simpering to lawless tyrants that is a tactic of those that would negotiate away our birthright and call it victory.

The framers knew this when America was founded and warned us over and over that such behavor would lead us to ruin. But we took the wide and easy road instead. We must no longer let pretty words or false respect deceive us. A polite well articulated tyrant is more dangerous than a loud one. Cowardice and games is not leadership or honor; this disease is destroying America.

“Be not intimidated…nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice.” – John Adams.

Public servants that are “uncommitted” to our rights should NOT be tolerated. They must be removed because they are criminals and should never be regarded as people of respect or honor. We must not negotiate with Bureaucratic Terrorists. Our duty to be sentinels of liberty.

I see this cowardice nearly every day in different forms. It tried to weaken me also. We should examine ourselves regularly, for we have been neutered America; deceived by false politeness and cowardice in the name of reason. But there is healing for cowardice. It lies in repentance, in setting aside fear and standing anyways. Stand with a prayer to the Almighty, stand for justice. Stand as you must, but stand. For if we will not, history has but one place for our names.

So I say the cowards and haters of liberty. Let your names fade into the night. Let our posterity never say, these were men to emulate. Let the just know that your approval is NOT needed and that your willingness to be trampled defines insanity for those with the courage to stand principled for liberty.

To restore liberty we must have a firm resolve in principle and justice. We must hold our heads high, refusing to lick the boots of the wicked. Those that refuse to stand are sentencing their posterity to slavery, because they were afraid to stand while there was time. The Poison of Cowardice is an evil that will eat up your children’s inheritance and leave our beautiful country a wasteland.

On Dec 13th bring your long guns, your short guns and your liberty. Bring safety, bring your courage, bring principle. — Be the song of history, rather than that dirty scrawling she wishes she could erase. Come out you patriots. You men of honor, faith and justice; put away your fear and stand like men!

Let us not ask “when will one stand”. Rather let us shout, “I WILL STAND”.

— Gav

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