Christians & Patriots. STOP Hiding from Sin!

The rainbow. A symbol of God’s promise (Genesis 9:13).
You Cannot Separate Your Faith from Your Liberty!
I am a patriot, an activist and a Christian. And you know what? The three go perfectly together! The question is do you have the courage to share that with the world? Do you have enough love to speak truth?
I’ve seen a lot of front line issues and I’ve been in the middle of quite a few. My entire foundation is the truth. As a Christian, God’s word comes first for me. I don’t believe in twisting it anymore than I believe in twisting the Constitution. I believe the Constitution is law and that standing for liberty is a moral duty. I believe Jesus is my savor that and liberty comes from God!
If that bothers you, I don’t really care!
People know me for saying it like it is and taking on government. But as much as we take on lies within government, we must also take them on within our own ranks. So take the time to read and ponder this.
There’s a wise quote from Rep. Shea. “Leadership is not the ability to compromise. It’s the ability not to!” — That stuck with me and I’ve learned that leadership is not hiding from an issue or playing safe politics. It’s taking issues head on with truth and love. Americans, patriots and Christians are constantly hiding. Patriots hide from their faith using the Constitution. Fundamentalists hide from the Constitution using Romans 13. — We have raised a nation of cowards in perverted government schools and lukewarm churches. I will not teach my children cowardice and lies. What about you?
You can stand up for liberty without faith in Christ; but you cannot stand for Christ without supporting liberty! He is the fountain. If you disagree with that, I still support your liberty. But if you believe in him, it’s time you started standing for both. If we do not get back to principle, America is lost.
I’m a sinner! Christ gave his blood for me. Yet I’m not covered unless I repent and follow him. “If you love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15)”. Whether or not you think my faith is crazy is irrelevant. I can stand boldly BECAUSE of that faith. I stand for everyone, including those that think my faith is crazy because I believe we are created equal. That does NOT mean I treat all actions as equal, or that I will not speak against something when it is wrong.
So we come to sin. If I stand with sin I am not standing with God. People ask me how I take on the battles. “I start with prayer” I respond. — The truth is I cannot and WILL NOT take on these battles without God! — Last week I withdrew from an event that was planning to promote a homosexual message. I’m not comfortable with that so I walked away. I bear no hate. Liberty just has nothing to do with requiring I support an off topic message I don’t agree with. I made a statement to that effect and calmly stepped away. Many agreed. Others mocked. Within hours my words were dissected and twisted. I was called a bigot, a coward and mocked by folks who days before had sung my praises. It’s a reminder that pats on the back don’t mean much. “By their fruits you shall know them (Mat 7:20)”.
Of course my actual statements are opposite of what I was accused of! I stood for what any Christian should. I recused myself from something with a message that conflicted with God. “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph 5:11)”. By separating myself I supported their right to do it. I simply disagreed. I don’t have hate, I stand for everyone’s liberty. Folks have a right to promote what they want in public, I simply have no obligation to endorse it at a private event that I am hosting. I affirm that homosexuality is sin because God says so and I am loving enough to say it.
Honestly I find it ridiculous that people would parade sexuality everywhere they go. Sure, they have that right. Just as I have the right to say I don’t support it, or that I don’t want my children seeing it paraded. Why don’t I want that? For the same reason I don’t send them to public schools that teach them the opposite of liberty!
We live in an era where it’s trendy to deride and abuse those that stand for Godly principle. — Someone that demands you change your values to approve of theirs, is not promoting liberty, they are promoting tyranny.
The nature of liberty is that man and their property are sacred. I have small respect for those that demand liberty, but define it as forcing others to promote bad behavor. Friends that has nothing to do with liberty. — Patriots and Christians are constantly cowering from calling out sin. They have been bullied into silence. My love is not defined by your lust. It’s not defined by the whims of politics. Ask yourself, what values do you want your children to hold?
Love is patent, love is kind, love is also TRUTH (1 Cor 13:4-8). I don’t love someone by hiding truth from them. Love is not accepting what is wrong. I show love by telling someone the truth and helping them correct the wrong. I love by standing up for what’s right. If the tree is dehydrated, water it. If the soul is dry, give it truth.
Are we crucified because we dare say something is sin? If those who revile us are so confident, why are they offended? — Do I force my belief on others? No, I stand by my principle and I will say it aloud. Those that dare say they support liberty, yet berate others for refusing to support sin, are in opposition to liberty. “Be not deceived, evil commutation corrupts good manners (1 Cor 15:33)”. Silence in the face of sin is not love. Love is bold, love is kind, love is honest! To restore liberty, we need to repent.
I’m here to encourage believers. STOP letting yourself be silenced by those who DEMAND you support sin! I would die for a homosexual’s liberty. But I won’t do it carrying their rainbow banner. And speaking of rainbows. Since when did my God’s bow get co-opted to promote something he calls sin. I not only want our liberty back. I want our RAINBOW back!
“GAVIN, you support liberty ONLY for people you agree with”
Liberals love to lay this on me. It’s rubbish just like every argument of these statist bullies. I support everyone’s liberty equally and I PROVE it with my actions. What have you done for liberty today?
“BUT GAVIN, what about gay marriage?”
Gay marriage! What is that exactly? Marriage is a religious institution from the bible. Frankly I think government should be OUT of marriage all together! But you that say there they should support homosexual marriage? Let me clarify. Are YOU saying you want the government to forcefully redefine was is a purely religious institution? Marriage is not a federal or a State issue. It’s a faith issue.
Here come the insults! Right now people are twisting my words, screaming I’m a bigot, or that I hate homosexuals, that I’m intolerant, or that I’m not loving. Some are quoting segments of this article out of context as they mock people of faith and crazy bible thumpers. Right now people are lying and accusing me of the exact opposite of what I am saying. They have that right. I am not offended by what is not true.
My love is greatest when I speak truth. My voice is not restricted by your liberty. My character is not lesser for having that voice. Is this abrasive and offensive? I don’t care because IT’S THE TRUTH and that’s the most loving gift I can offer you. If God is for us, who can be against us.
Christians, YOU ARE IN SIN When you fail to stand for justice! YOU ARE IN SIN when you vote for wicked leaders! YOU ARE IN SIN when you are silent in the face of evil!
Christians! STOP whining. STOP cowering in corners. STOP hiding your liberty AND your values. Do you not realize that we are becoming slaves? Stop behaving like the politicians you disdain. America has forsaken it’s principles, cowering behind threats of bigotry and racism and intimidation that have nothing to do with liberty.
Liberty is not a magical unicorn that demands everyone pat you on the back while ringing a pink bell. Liberty is freedom balanced with principle and justice. We don’t have to agree on every precept of that for society to work. But we must have courage and character to step up and use a constant standard. If you disagree with me, that’s your right. But don’t try and force your wrong on me.
I will stand on moral principle. I will not force others to do the same; but I will loudly proclaim that truth. That is liberty!
Lets be frank. In the name of liberty the homosexual movement violates the liberty of others by bullying and forcing them to accept and promote their sexuality. That’s not liberty, it’s tyranny. My opposition to a practice does not mean I’m trying to legislate it. It means I have the stones to stand up for my values. Just like everyone that claims to believe the Constitution should have the stones to stop negotiating for our rights.
If you want to see liberty abused look no further than the homosexual lobby, ruining the lives of people for refusing to be a part of what they find sinful. How dare you demand the government force people to violate their morals. People like the owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Arlene’s Flowers, Elane Photography and many others. Where are the patriots defending them? I’m not saying all homosexuals support this abuse. I’m saying that when YOU rail on people who stand on their values, YOU are part of this ABUSE!
I stand for YOUR liberty, even WHEN I disagree with you. I put my life on the line for your right to make bad choices. But I must still proclaim they are wrong. I will not play games with fake love, fake Jesus and fake truth. Jesus was loving and merciful. He said, “go and sin no more (John 8:11)” and then he died for the sins of all that would repent. He never patted sin on the back. We need to get to the foundation; stop sucking milk from the tit and start acting like people of character. Stop hiding and start shouting truth from the rooftops.
You see I’m not paranoid, homophobic or hateful. I’m a Christian and as such I don’t support sin; I encourage us to be free from it.
To the non believers. You have the right to choose what you do. I stand up for that each day. But STOP being defensive. Stop trying to shove your non-belief down my throat. Maybe we’ll sit down and talk about faith over coffee sometime. But until then, stop getting angry when Christian patriots lay it all on the line and trust their savior as they defend your liberty.
This is not about an event, or even about homosexuality! It’s about LIBERTY. It’s about being loving by standing for what is right. It’s about having the character to get up and restore our nation with truth in love. If the truth makes you angry, perhaps it is you who are holding hate. I support your liberty to make bad choices. That does not means I applaud your choices.
It’s time to start acting in real love. Love defined by God. Loving in mercy, loving with patience, loving by boldly speaking truth, loving by opposing sin, loving by keeping our children from being lied to. — We stand on the precipice of the bold. We are about to have to choose which side we will stand with. Because there are only two.
— Gav