Teacher sends nasty letter; because patriot stopped to ensure she was safe!

Published May 13, 2015 - 0 Comments

school_teacher_ephrata_policeThe public de-education of America.

Since I pulled over a deputy last Fall, the conversation about unmarked cars has been big. But the issue is bigger than police or unmarked cars. Some don’t want people questioning police or government at all.

This week I pulled up behind an unmarked car that had someone stopped on the highway. I felt I should observe and make sure everything went safely. It only takes a cheap pair of lights to impersonate an officer, thanks to unmarked police cars becoming common. As it turned out this was not an impersonator, but another illegal police vehicle.

Watch the video here.

Things went smoothly as I checked to make sure the officer was real. — But later that day I got a angry message from the driver the officer had stopped. Turns out it was a young Ephrata school teacher and she was angry that I would question an officer. I want to share her words, because they say much about why America is broken. I only added paragraphs, as she did not use them in her message to me.

“I was driving the truck that was pulled over yesterday, you proceeded to pull up behind the officer in your car. I’m wondering what you think entitled you to become a nuisance to that officer ?

Your putting him and yourself at risk, if that had been a situation where he was forced to protect himself he’d have you to worry about as well ….putting yourself and him in that position is completely ridiculous and inconciderate …. what makes you think your a martyr for the people ?

Your public stunts leave you looking unintelligent. As a community member of ephrata and being in public education I use you as an example of how not to act to my students . However I’m entirely sure because of your large ego this will fall on Def ears. Do the Columbia basin a favor if you feel strongly, talk to your local reps , take it to Olympia but quit making an ass out of yourself.”

Saying I’m wrong and putting this officer in danger is like saying it’s wrong to stop a robber, because you’ll place the robber at risk. This car quite literally could have been an impersonator stopping her to rob or worse. It has happened over and over. The idea that observing an officer puts them in danger, is a common but ridiculous tactic used to distract the ignorant and prevent goverment from being watched. Allowing them to act with impunity.

Now consider this teacher as she takes the actions of a those who value liberty and want government to obey the law. Then uses that good behavior as an example to her students of, “HOW NOT TO ACT!

Everyone has a right to their opinion, so what’s the big deal? I get plenty of hate mail and far more supportive mail. But this message struck me. Miss Albin is public employee teaching our children and apparently using that role to support criminal activity and goverment abuse.

I wounder if Miss Albin gets offended if someone holds the door for her, or helps her change a tire! It’s no surprise she’s part of the Federal education program. A system who’s focus is to make children question NOTHING. I’m thankful that my home schooled kids will avoid such brainwashing. But what about the rest?

Lawless government is endangering the public along with officers who have no respect for law or public safety; and yes teachers like this. People who blindly obey the words of tyrants and deride those who stand up for what made America great. Propaganda ministers who are in fact unquestioning lackeys for Tyranny.

The public de-education of America is not a secret. You’re paying for it, the children are being filled with it. It’s all around you every day. Who is teaching these children and where your money is going? It’s being used to destroy America! If you’re not standing up for liberty, you’re aiding that destruction. The brown shirts and slaves are lining up. What about you?

In response for Miss Albin and folks like her.

I simply feel bad for you. You are so ignorant that you deride neighbors who look out for you and praise those who put your at risk. You have no idea what’s coming on America. I pray for you, but I don’t need your permission to do the right thing. I stand resolved for liberty not because it is fun, or easy; but because it is right. For if liberty is lost, my children say to me, you didn’t even try.

— Gav