When Sin Becomes Law; Lawmakers Become Criminals.

Published June 26, 2015 - 2 Comments

gay_marrigeIt has nothing to do with love and everything to do with power and corruption!

I could take the politically safe path like most of my peers and be silent; but I won’t!

First: NO Government has authority to regulate marriage. Yet today the Supreme Court asserted that homosexuality MUST be supported by all States and as such, the people AND churches in them. They did not rule for equality but against State rights. In doing so they showed that they are no longer a lawful authority.

Many rail on me standing for truth. But I defend the liberty of all. This is not a question of buzzwords like bigotry, hatred or race. It’s about government control of marriage and faith. — This is NOT a matter of whether government should have authority to kick in your door because of what you do in the bedroom; they should NOT! It’s that government ALSO does not have authority to kick in the churches door because they refuse to take part in sin.

The Supreme did NOT invalidate the 1st amendment! They had no authority touch it in the first place. The Supreme Court just invalidated themselves. They are NO LONGER SUPREME! They represent a group of criminals who’s authority should be regarded as the ravings of a mad man. The dissenting Justices should excuse themselves form that lawless body and proclaim to the world that it is no longer a legal authority.

Second: Marriage is not a civil right, nor is it defined by government. It is a purely religious private institution between a man and a woman and falls under the role of clergy or family. The fact that some want to change that definition does not make that desire a “right”. Changing the meaning of a word to match a political agenda is not liberty or your right.

As a private institution of the church and the family. Government has no lawful authority here, for many years we have let them control it and that is being used for evil. Lawful States, people and especially pastors MUST NOW DEFY this ruling, REFUSE to get licensed for marriage and opt out of this tyranny all together.

Yes liberty allows us the right to make choices, even bad ones. It ends ends at government taking those choices and making them an action that others MUST support.

There are NO GAY RIGHTS, women’s rights, male rights, black rights, or politicians rights. There are HUMAN RIGHTS; because all men were created equal. Anyone who supports the rights of one group over another, is not supporting rights, they’re supporting social classes and tyranny.

This is not about equality or love. It’s about people who want to unite the church and the State. Then goverment can define values and demand you approve of your neighbors actions. It’s the agenda of a few who demand that others support sin at the point of a gun. It’s about using pretense of law to force people of conviction to support sin. If they do not, they will be fined or imprisoned. It’s already happening! Marriage is not a right. The ability to practice your faith in peace is a right.

The duty of government is to protect individual rights. Redefining religious institutions is not only outside the scope of their authority, it sits in complete defiance of the first amendment and the core principles of a free people. It makes the tyranny we fled from in England look like child’s play. This ruling sold as liberty, is the greatest tyranny of all.

Will YOU tolerate a court or a government that grants themselves authority over God himself and demands you defy your own moral conscience? Do not delude yourself. This is not about government allowing something. It’s about government forcing privately held beliefs on churches, business and individuals so they can RESTRICT the people, INCLUDING the homosexuals! But remember the words of this Court are not law. They are lawless and must be regarded as such.

Third: The persecution has already begun. It’s time to realize that America is coming to an end. The question is what will we rebuild once it collapses. It’s time for patriots to rise up in defiance of all tyranny and gain courage. I always support liberty, even for those I disagree with. But I will never be forced to the despotism of denying my maker.

As John Locke, forefather of the Constitution taught us. Whenever an magistrate exceeds the authority granted to them; they cease to be an authority and “may be opposed, as any other man, who by force invades the right of another.” That’s what just happened. We must understand that we can and must oppose such tyranny.

NEVER in history has government been so concerned about love. — Maybe it’s because they are not. They simply found a new way to gain control over slaves by promoting sin as love and liberty. Thank God my savior is love incarnate. It makes it easy to tell the real thing from the fraud and keep standing against tyranny.

There’s a bright spot here. The church must now stand or deny Christ. The lines have been drawn and the earth is about to shake. The solution is principled defiance. The rulings of tyrants must be nullified. No matter what comes. God is love, so yes #LOVEWINS. But not the way the propaganda would have you believe.


— Gav


qopel - September 28, 2015 Reply

“They did not rule for equality but against State rights”
When it’s about civil rights and equality, the State don’t have rights to hold back indiviulal rights. You just said all men are “created” equal.
Does the state have a right to make slvery legal? NO! Even though it’s condoned in the Bible.

“Marriage is a purely religious private institution between a man and a woman and falls under the role of clergy or family” So now you want to say atheists can’t get married? This is what religion does to poison the mind.

“I WILL NOT COMPLY!” Good then don’t marry another guy, idiot.

Shane - August 16, 2016 Reply

Love you.

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