Remembering Independence!

Published July 3, 2015 - 0 Comments

We are no longer celebrating independence. We are celebrating the memory of it!

Total denial of reason, hatred of liberty and justice. We have become a nation that rejects God, rejects liberty and is too cowardly to stand when our neighbors are abused. A nation run by a mob of psychopathic terrorists, filled with slaves who willingly worship them. And the worst will be the smiling frauds in church with you this Sunday, telling you to obey goverment.

family fireworksLast night I posted this photo of my kids lighting a few fireworks on the street, remarking on what my three year old son said. He heard a distant siren and blurted out

“Hurry, deres a cop!”

It reminded me that this Independence Day we are not celebrating independence, but it’s memory. We are celebrating what we wish had been preserved. Only those with kids can know how their eyes light up when you take them to the fireworks stand. But it took me by surprise how my post exploded. You can read it here.

I was speaking of liberty and family and they begin railing on me as insensitive of those who lost homes in recent Washington fires. A sad thing indeed. — Yet for daring to speak of liberty and in the name of love and political correctness, they reviled me for lighting a fountain on the street with my children.

These are the those who in pious pretense they bring their agenda to promote hatred of truth. Those who still love this goverment are filled with hate against those that love justice. They love evil and seek to revile and hurt those who do not. History will remembers these as the ignorant and traitors who destroyed America.

Of course I support safety and believe in extreme caution in these dry conditions. But that’s not really the topic here. This has nothing to do my care for the loss of others.  I’m not looking for points like those who rail on liberty in the name of a noble cause. For safety, for love and for the children; this is their battle cry. Just like those who supported the tyranny of the Supreme court last week as our nation put the banner of sin and religious persecution above the banner of liberty. It’s worth noting that religious persecution has already been started by those loving folks.

I would rather my home burn, than liberty. Great suffering is coming to America and I would see justice and live simple than have a mansion with tyranny. It is right that those who hate it liberty hate you and I. We can give thanks in their mocking and the abuse they lay on principled people; they show the spirit they are of.

Liberty and law is not defined by tyrants, no matter their station. The foundation of law is a constant that must respect natural rights, it’s directives then backed by the peoples will. Magistrates or officials acting outside that are not law keepers. They cease to be authority and at once become criminals enforcing their will at the point of a gun!

Our nation abuses the poor and the weak; our goverment cannot manage a budget or a border, yet sees fit to use the force of law to tell us what spouts to use on gas cans. Reasoning and moral people cannot support this lawless goverment that calls good evil and evil good. A goverment that persecutes, attacks liberty and has declared war on peace.

To those that stand with these bureaucratic terrorists. Let your names fade into the night. Let our posterity never say, these were men to emulate. Let the just know that your approval is NOT needed and that your willingness to be trampled defines insanity for those with courage to stand principled for liberty.

We do not have Independence; we have let it burn to the ground. Let us not gather this week and talk about how free we are, when we know better. Let’s gather to remember liberty and teach it to our children. Gather and kneel in humility and repent in hope that one day our children can celebrate their possession of liberty anew.

So get together and light those fireworks (with plenty of water on hand). Or don’t light then, that’s fine too. But don’t let that spirit die. Don’t let political agendas get in the way and don’t let anyone silence truth. Because we’re not just talking about sparks. We’re talking about liberty.

If my home ever sits in charred ruins, it will likely be at the hands of those who hate liberty. But either way, I welcome my neighbors to bring fireworks and come celebrate with me what I have. Stand principled, peaceful, bold and ready to forgive. But stand only for what is right.

Ignite the sparks of liberty and ever remember what they represent. America  liberty is gone. But there is still joy. Get on your knees before God, so you can stand on your feet before tyrants.

A very happy Independence day!

— Gav


NOTE: Here’s some information on how you can help victims of the recent fires.


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