Fema/Homeland at Your Local Lowe’s! [video]

Published September 19, 2014 - 26 Comments


Kindly little old ladies or enemies of liberty? Why is FEMA and Homeland Security setup at our local Lowe’s and Home Depot. Yep, they shipped these folks from other States to “help us” here in Washington. But don’t worry, they are just giving out information about how we can be “safe”. Right?

Or, are they working to get people used to seeing these unconstitutional agencies and police state thugs roaming our streets?

How exactly does giving our flyers help people that have lost their home in fires. How much is this costing us in taxpayer dollars? Did you know that FEMA came to this area and refused to help the victims of our big fires this year? But don’t worry, they have brochures.

I must be doing something right because the liberals are freaking out.

This happened in Moses Lake WA on 09/17/14. They said they are headed to Yakima next week. Who knows, they might grace your town soon. If you see them, do not be silent. These corrupt agencies have no place in our communities and their very existence is unconstitutional. Go home FEMA.

— Gav

UPDATE: More people have been stopping to challenge these FEMA setups, posting photos and video.

Here’s a great video where the lady calls them out on the fact that they did not actually help fire victims.

UPDATE, 09/25/14

Seems FEMA is pretty uptight with me about the video and their people seem to be popping in to leave nasty comments. I did some digging and discovered that the comment below came from the “Assistant Regional Counsel at FEMA Region 10”. Yes, this seems to be a real comment from Seattle U School of Law graduate and FEMA lawyer Catlin O’Halloran.

“Gavin – you’re really special.  You quote the Constitution, Article 1 Section 8 as “proof” FEMA/DHS are not “constitutional” agencies.  Your elected representatives, ehm, the Congress, appropriate money, gosh, every year for these “unconstitutional” agencies (and all other agencies) to function.

Oh yeah, Congress, passed laws giving the Prez the power to create DHS and FEMA.  More one thing:  Article 1, Section 8 is only part of the Constitution.  In fact, it’s not even the relevant portion of the Constitution that has authority over how Executive agencies are administered.

That’s in Article 2, Executive Powers…in the Constitution.  Remember the balance of Power?

I would like you to speak in the next town hall in your local communities to all of the individuals who lost their homes in Oso, for instance, and tell them that FEMA, DoD, the National Guard, the American Red Cross, etc. have no business cooperating with State and local governments. The State government requested Federal agency assistance.  It’s consent.

Your little fan base has a combined IQ of my fingers and toes, and I am not deformed. You use sophisticated, “edumacated” words like “Article 1, Section 8” and you think people who don’t live under a rock are persuaded?  Bottom line:  You make conservatives in this community sound stupid.  BTW, everyone knows “FEMA Camps” sell kids into slavery who turn into zombies and eat the brains of baby dolphins.” — Catlin O’Halloran


Now I don’t usually respond to such comments, but I decided to leverage this opportunity..

“Your insults have no bearing other than to illustrate how unprofessional you are, since you are in fact special too. You are the Assist. Regional Counsel at FEMA Region 10. I see you wrote this during work hours so I guess that makes it official.

The fact that you’re a FEMA lawyer shows the kind of folks that run things over there. You represent an illegal organization and violate the document you are bound to uphold.  As such you cannot help but lash out when your agency is called out for what they are. I could tell folks more about you, but I’ll refrain.

You said “It’s not even the relevant portion”, referring to section 1:8?

I guess Seattle UL was not too thorough on Constitutional law. Or does FEMA simply not require experience as long as you will tow the line? Lets address your misunderstanding. Section 1:8 is the ONLY authority granted to the Federal Government unless an it’s “specifically” mentioned in other areas such as amendments. Anything not in the Constitution is ILLEGAL for the Federal Government to engage in. See the 9th and 10th amendments. There’s also an article about them on my site that might help educate you.

The president has even less direct power. Section 1:8 is for Congress. The president can do only what he is mandated in section 2. He has very limited executive power ZERO authority create agencies like FEMA and Homeland. See 2:2. And no, Congress does not have authority to grant him legislative power. Legislators can legislate within their grant, not make new legislators.

As for OSO. I’ve spoken first hand with people that were there and heard how the government agencies like FEMA actually make things harder for the community with their so called help.

You said “The State government requested Federal agency assistance.”

Consent of a lawless Governor who asks for a lawless body to some and operate in our State does not constitute “legal” in any sense. See Federalist #78 for starters. Authority is limited to that granted by we the people. Anything outside the authority of the Constitution is by definition, lawless.

And FYI, the Red Cross is not a government agency. They have every right to come and offer help. The Federal Government on the other hand has no such authority. Consent gives them no extra grant, unless we the people change the Constitution by our consent. FEMA is wasting valuable resources that we could be using locally to really help people.

So let me reiterate to make it simple Catlin. GO HOME. We don’t need you, we don’t want you, get out and do not come back. Thank you for the official statement from FEMA.

PS: You can take my name off your camp reservations list. I won’t be joining you.”

— Gav Seim


MZAZ - September 19, 2014 Reply

Are these women nuts??? The government needs to stay out of our state business.

Beth Hart - September 19, 2014 Reply

She said “EXACTLY” what the problem is. We have people stealing our tax money through fraud. In other words it is a “LOUSY” program that is being mishandled. They cannot even keep track of who is stealing from us.

Ryan - September 19, 2014 Reply

That was crazy to see the lady come out and try and take down your license plate. Reminds me of the police filming protesters. One has to wonder what the intent of that data collection is. Nice to see she can enjoy her retirement by being a tax payer leech at your local Lowes.

Randi - September 19, 2014 Reply

I agree with everything you said. But these ladies and others have been at BOTH Lowes and Home Depot for the last three days. I work at lowes and was wondering why they were here as well. We didn’t invite them.

mike scott - September 20, 2014 Reply

FEMA? Isnt that who takes control of disater areas? Good organization apparently being miss managed

Jay get - September 20, 2014 Reply

Hey Gav

So I’m a federal firefighter and an ardent patriot and love watching your videos. What bothers me about this is that every federal fire agency has it’s own public information officers as well as fire prevention programs and home safety ( fire wise) programs that are designed to provide the exact same info these ladies were providing. So here are a few things I noticed while watching your video-

1- I have a hard time believing that FEMA has a better understanding of how to prevent fires than the federal fire agencies do.

2- I could possibly understand why they were in Wenatchee and Omak ( been there to fight fire numerous times and those locations are close to federally protected ground) But why are they going to locations like Moses lake, Yakima ( the Palm Springs of Washington) Where there is more state protected ground than federal????

3- the last part of this video to me looked purely like it was a probing mission by the former law enforcement officer as to who you are, what you look like and what you drive.

4- if FEMA is truly there to help out, where are the people on the ground helping rebuild?

Agorist Alden Morris - September 20, 2014 Reply

Very great video and great information shared too, especially through the comments.

Will keep an eye out around my neck of the woods here in Washington State.

It’s odd they are targeting Lowe’s and Home Depots. During a disaster scenario its these very stores that are visited first by the communities that need the supplies, it sounds like FEMA is planning on attempting to take over the local Lowe’s and Home Depots and redistribute out supplies during a disaster as they see fit.

frank - September 24, 2014 Reply

They jumped allover “So your antigovernment”

Janet - September 25, 2014 Reply

These women, including the FEMA counsel are particularly stupid drones (perfectly suited for government work – no critical thinking skills whatsoever.) They seem to have no concept at all of the level of treason they are engaging in. The mask they wear of ‘public servant’ quickly falls off and the fangs come out the moment they are challenged. These bloodsucking vampires are handily exposed for what they are here.

Debbie - September 26, 2014 Reply

Gavin, Good job with the video of the two Fema Gramma’s. I wonder if these two Gramma’s know that they were being used? Hope they got paid enough to be the Trojon Horse, (someone or something intended to defeat or subvert from within usually by deceptive means). This is the same situtation were, ” we the people” innocently let the National Forest Service take care of our County’s forest and turned it to National Forest Land, so the Federal government intrution began, and now the Forest Service is law enforcement within our Counties. Next time you see these two Fema Gramma’s they will be packing too and being used as shields. I hate to see so many of our fellow American’s step into the Federal trap, I wish that they would read the Declaration of Independance, more than once, then they might be able to understand that the people created government to protect and to maintain individual rights, common defense and general welfare of the Nation.

    Tionico - September 26, 2014 Reply

    No, those FedGov agents are NOT in charge of law enforcement on those public lands. That authority rests squarely on the shoulders of your LOCAL and ELECTED sheriff, the highest law enforcement authority in any county. If your sheriff is allowing these FedGov goons to usurp HIS authority, go and have a long talk with him. If he hears you, well. Help him learn his proper role. If he refuses, well, work for his defeat next election. You might have a look at what Sheriff David Brown, in Skamania County, has done and is doing to assert HIS authority over meddling FedGov agencies in HIS county. You might also refer your own sheriff to him for some healthy advice from a “brother sheriff”. MAKE him do his job, the one your people assigned him along with their vote, or get rid of him. Brown has seen the light, and has turned into a great sheriff. I personally know the man who ran against him last time, but he’s become good friends with Brown, who appreciates his support. My friend is not running against Brown this time.. he is supporting him in his reelection. And Skamania County is about 90% federally controlled lands. Time sheriffs everywhere learn their true role, and stand firm in it. The Constitution prohibits any federal agency or authority being active in local law enforcement……. INCLLUDING on “national lands”. That falls to the local chief law enforcement officer, the sherriff.

Anonymous - September 26, 2014 Reply

Brainwashed old broads.

Riccardo Cabeza - September 26, 2014 Reply


Bill Riley - September 26, 2014 Reply

These FEMA ladies are all Democrat party activists making big money salaries + full benefits. They are paid per diem for meals and motels. Interestingly the Fed Government denied emergency aid for Oso and its mud slide and also the fire damaged cities and private property.

Dennis Kauffman - September 26, 2014 Reply

There’s not much anything better than a “troublemaker” like you, who will not stand for arrogant bullies and their henchpeople and useful idiots with regard to their Marxist ideology.

Steve - September 26, 2014 Reply

FEMA! Watch that one for something more sinister than what’s on the surface.

My home has NEVER flooded, but “FEMA” says it’s in a flood zone so I have to buy flood insurance. If you don’t insure the contents and choose a $5K deductible you can get it for “only” nearly $200 a month. After a 37% premium hike from last year. What was that “inflation rate” again? Oh that’s right… “I’m from the Government, I’m here to help you.”

Scholar - September 26, 2014 Reply

Your arguement has no merit. The constitution is not the entire law of the U.S. It gives the Congress the authority to pass laws to create agencies like FEMA. Certain projects exceed the scope of a local government to manage. The interstate road system, federal air traffic controllers, and especially disaster relief.

Thank you for showing yourself as a moronic teabagger. Hope you bought some foil for your hat while you were at Lowe’s. You might need it when you go to the imaginary FEMA camp.

    gavinseim - September 26, 2014 Reply

    No the Constitution does no such thing Mr anonymous so called scholar. It gives Congress authority to to takes given them in the construction, nothing more. Someone needs to read the 9th and 10th amendments and get back to scholar 101.

      christina macneal - October 23, 2014 Reply

      Gav- You are effective against the BottomDwellers. Good.

      christina macneal - October 23, 2014 Reply

      Catlin O’Halloran displayed an inappropriate level of sarcasm, I feel to the point of being a BULLY.

Randy Kershner - September 29, 2014 Reply

Between my job today and seeing this stuff, blood pressure way up. Keep up the good fight Sir. God Bless.

Bart Simpson - October 13, 2014 Reply

God you are pathetic!!! Worry about fixing your crooked brown teeth and take care of that greasy mullet. You sound like a complete and total idiot. Harassing some old ladies out to try and do good for the community….LOSER!!!!!

    christina macneal - October 23, 2014 Reply

    lots of false reproach and a wise person knows where that *BottomDweller dwells. ? Don’t you scholar?.

Dan - October 21, 2014 Reply

this guy is kinda a dick. Ok you are fighting for the people, i understand that. but all you are doing is arguing with 2 customer service representatives….. i don’t walk into the DMV and start yelling at them cuz i dont like the way my state license looks. they’re only their for support.

christina macneal - October 23, 2014 Reply

Catlin O’Halloran displayed an inappropriate level of sarcasm, I feel to the point of being a BULLY. Very inappro.

Brian wings - October 25, 2014 Reply

I clearly see your enthusiasm in trying to force conversation and enlightenment that needs to be had to so many falsely informed individuals including and not limited to “the messengers” of any given agency or government. It has occurred to me that collectively we are witnessing a minority of citizens actually victim to deliberate and non deliberate false mis-attribution from government and many agencies. I refer to them as victims because the uninformed can be misguided and abused so easily. Some of these victims become employees to the State at alarming rates and a perpetual falsely mis-attributed state of being becomes cemented into the minds of these victims who feel duty to then impose the learned mis-attributions onto the majority of society. These victims know, no better…they are led and told to take action on false pretense and falsely mis-attributed laws and authority. I agree with your tact in speaking with people you see engaging in collective UnConstitutional acts, as they need to be confronted personally in order to become accountable to the collective that despises accountability… One conversation can spark the victim agent of the collective to become aware of their accountability in the collective puzzle, that has collectively grown UnConstitutional. Any and all policies, ordinances or laws in violation or in direct contradiction to the Constitution are VOID DE FACTO upon enactment, as goes with contract…

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