Due Process in America is a Nation of LYNCH Mobs!

Published July 29, 2015 - 0 Comments

courtGovernment gets away with murder, while the weak are destroyed for the smallest infractions!

My prayer today is that every sleeping American might experience a few days behind bars and in our courts before what we call JUSTICE, so that repentance would come again. At once our complete failure in justice would become such biting reality that the stand for liberty would begin anew and liberty would rise as we fell to our knees.

The foundation of civil law is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Due process is key to that foundation and must at all times protect the right to life and to defend it. It must hold you innocent until proven guilty; your life, liberty and property secure unless a jury of your peers convicts you of a crime where a VICTIM can be PROVEN! That’s as far as civil goverment can extend without becoming tyrants.

God hates injustice. Yet we cheer the abuse of the weak, innocent and the ugly like a nation of lynch mobs. We celebrate the death of children and applaud the bureaucratic terrorists who claim to make us safe, while ignoring liberty from conception to grave?

The accused must at all times enjoy EVERY advantage over the accuser. Any other action would assume that the accused is not INNOCENT, but that the he may in fact be guilty; denying the very foundation of due process.

I heard it said during a criminal trial that the court must be “fair” to the prosecution. Nothing could be further from the truth. The prosecution should remain in most the unfair position possible; for the duty of the State is not to win, but to ensure justice.

The courts are lost. Our judges have utmost contempt for justice and law. Try challenging them and find out as you are dragged from the judgment seat for daring to speak against a would be god. — It comforts me to know that these wicked men will account to the real God. —  Jesus gave us liberty. But in the name of liberty we have polluted this nation with innocent BLOOD from one end to the other.

A court will say. “You have due process” — While locked in a cell awaiting trial for “assumed innocence”. “You have a jury of your peers”.  — So long as the judge and persecutor approves of them. “You have evidence in your defense”.  — So long as the judge allows it. “You may appeal your case.” — So long as you can afford the costs!

Great respect for just authority requires matched disdain of unjust authority. —  We shame liberty as we call for the abuse of those we find bothersome, forgetting that alliance with evil is treason against the King of Kings.

When judges claim authority to lock up citizens because they did not honor them, because they challenge injustice, because they disobeyed the States lawless restrictions. We do not have a court of law, we have a house of tyrants. Placing the accused in the State’s court, under the State’s rules, under the pretense that he is innocent until proven guilty, while ensuring the State is given a “fair chance” to lock him away and that the State gets the last word, is so heinous crime against justice that no people of liberty should tolerate it!

Legend says Phryne stood before the court for defaming the pagan gods. Today we stand before the court if we defame those who think they are gods. Our courts would have caused the framers of our nation to rise up and hurl these pompous black robed tyrants from their mahogany thrones. What have you done?

America; you rebel against God. You celebrate yourself as free yet cry justice as you open the pit for those you hate! You applaud them being locked away for the pettiest infractions. You are silent at the DEATH of the innocent and rest easy as you convince yourself that criminals are locked safely away; too blind to see that the real criminals are the ones holding the keys. Unaware, until they come for you.

You stand for the liberty of all, or you stand for it not at all.

— Gav

If what happened in this video was happening in every court. Liberty would be restored. Read that story here.

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