The Race Card – A Shame to America.

Published April 26, 2014 - 3 Comments

Seim Coffee RoastingEvery week brings new adventures. This week I watched America cave to bullies.

This week I was accused of being a racist for not following orders to slap a forged racist label on the so named. Meanwhile the faux conservative world and even many on the fronts of liberty caved and did exactly what they were told. I was warned my campaign was in danger for not bowing to whims of these liberal and progressives. How dare I not follow orders after all.

What I learned is that you do not pander to liers. You do not cower in fear. Not even for a second. You do not bend to rumor. You do not play the games of those who twist words, who abuse and slander others for their own gain. You do not worry about the names they call you or the forged labels they paint. You put on a shield of faith and fire back the arrows of truth. Cliven Bundy did not play the racist – It’s that simple.

I think we know this in our hearts. But our dictionaries affirm it. A racist is not defined by a slip of the tongue, but by the heart and actions. Until then there’s no fault worth speaking of. Racists are those deluded who believe they are truly better than others. Here the progressives have shown themselves to be racists above all. In trying to destroy others and divide good people, God has brought their evil upon their own head. In pretending to courageously defend, they have shown themselves the ultimate cowards.

If we only had the pure honestly of children. The prayer and repentance of the humble.

My friends shame on us for heeding liars. For tolerating their twists and living in fear of truth. Yes, even I kept checking my words, looking over my shoulder for the labels they might paint. Would I be next? What does it matter as long long as I speak truth. Let liers be false. Let us not be weary in well doing, for that sin of silence makes cowards of men. If we stand by and watch while our neighbor is hurt, are we better then the attackers?

Give us God’s liberty, give us courage, give us purity of heart and we will stand and face lions unafraid.


— Gav


REvans - April 26, 2014 Reply

Anyone that has the disrespect to call an African American a Negro is a racist. They are using the term to diminish them and make them appear to be lesser then themselves. Our Pledge of Allegiance says with “Liberty and Freedom for ALL” Anything less then Freedom for All is un American and discriminatory. As for the millionaire farmer trying to instill hatred of the government by not paying his fair share of taxes is a criminal and should be held accountable.

    gavinseim - April 28, 2014 Reply

    You should learn what it means to be a racist before you say such things.

Barb - July 26, 2014 Reply

Now what should we call Charlize Theron? She is of European Decent (white) but born in Africa as are many others. Is she African American? Is she European American? Most people would describe her as “White”. However, to call People “white” is not considered racist! First, what is the definition of racism? Websters online dictionary says:
rac·ism : poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race
: the belief that some races of people are better than others
Definition of Negro:Ne·gro [nee-groh] noun, plural Ne·groes.

1.a member of the peoples traditionally classified as the Negro race, especially those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa.
2.Older Use: Often Offensive. a black person.
3.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of one of the traditional racial divisions of humankind, generally marked by brown to black skin pigmentation, dark eyes, and tightly curled hair and including especially the indigenous peoples of Africa south of the Sahara.
4.being a member of the black peoples of humankind, especially those who originate in sub-Saharan Africa. Origin:1545–55; < Spanish and Portuguese negro ‘black’

Now I don't see how the Spanish and Portuguese word for "Black" can possibly mean what the DEFINITION of Racism is! So what is said to the Spanish speaking community when they must describe a black person to authorities in their "Native tongue"? Are they also racist for saying "A WORD"? Funny thing is that If people actually chose to "Educate" themselves they would see that one of the first slave owners in the US was a black man that had a white slave!

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