City says NO CAMERAS – Seim says NO WAY!
NO Cameras America!
Moses Lake is a small town of about twenty thousand, run by lawless city manager named Joe Gavinski. He does the dirty work while the city council hides from responsibility. During my Congressional race the city was stealing my signs. Why? Because I would not sign a contract with them for a grant of free speech.
After various encounters they ended up getting badly exposed but still did not learn their lesson. So they tried to prevent filming in city buildings by adding a NO CAMERAS sign. This is not the first time government organizations have done this because of yours truly.The problem is the city manager simply made up the rule and it has no basis in law. Even if they had voted it into a city code, it would be unconstitutional and void.
So I went in to check for any straggling signs they had stolen after the election and of course I filmed, despite the silly sign. They in turn called in police., once again violating Federal law under (18 U.S. Code § 242). In the video I call them out and have a decent conversation, educating the officer about how the law really works. Then I openly defy their not so cute policy to make it clear that such things do not have to be obeyed
Lawless law is not law.
Officers and officials often have this idea that because a “law” was made then they must enforce it. It’s their job after all and this has been drilled into them. But in truth they have to pick a side. They swore an oath first to the Constitution, then to other laws. If they violate the first, they break the oath. It’s that simple.
We need to stop tolerating officials that violate the law we placed upon them. The petty rules government makes up are in no way law when they violate the US and the State Constitution. These are laws WE placed on them. We are the masters and their every legal mandate is a grant from us. This principle goes back to Americas founding and before. John Locke is a good study here.
In the video we actually discuss some interesting historical legal foundations with the officer. Remember that despite signs, or lawless orders, you can and should film your public officials. We the people have no obligation to follow lawless rules because regardless of who wrote them, they are not law.
— Gav

Joe Gavinski tries to get rid of me. When I decline directs the woman to call police.