POLICE Inciting Riots as PATRIOTS Cheer them on!

Published May 3, 2015 - 0 Comments

America’s Mistake!

This will make some of you angry. And it should. What we are doing with this country is appalling. The problem is not protesters. It’s the inaction of fear of patriots. — It’s been a week of confusion where lines have been drawn, brother is divided against brother. Tyrants are using the leverage division to achieve every goal.

Boston_Tea_Party_Currier_coloredTyrants are laughing all the way to the bank as both ends are divided against the middle. The puppet masters are pulling the strings as one screams racist, one screams race bait and another screams round them up!

Most the protestors don’t know what they are screaming about, but police are quick to escalate and incite riots. Those paying attention have seen that if a crowd is too calm, police show up and start causing chaos.

I find myself in the middle, crying liberty and pointing out the tyrant. By some I am treated as one supportive of the looters for that. Nearly everyone is falling for the division. The tyrants want to take away liberty in the name of security and it’s working.

Words like. “They are all criminals”, “arrest everyone” and “shoot them”, have no place on the lips of liberty. But tyrants love to hear them. It goes without saying that looting is wrong. If you, or your business are in the midst of that, you have every right to defend your person and your property. That’s the nature of law.

I don’t even want to give looters face time. It’s lawless and should be stopped. But one has to wounder how ,any of the violent protestors are actually agent provocateurs. Still, the story is not about looters. The wicked just want you to think it is. The story is still about liberty and tyranny, good and evil.

A HOUSE Divided!

Anger against those who support protests. Anger against those calling police unaccountably. Anger against those who support the police. Anger against those who support liberty. Total confusion. Those same who normally oppose lawless police, see a few lawless rioters and cry in fear, supporting lawless police abusing whole crowds. Can our minds only have one focus? Are we that blind? How about we support neither side. How about we simply support liberty?

653px-Boston_Massacre_high-resHow did the British leverage the Boston Tea Party? They considered our founding fathers criminals and rioters. I’m not saying today’s lawless looters are of the same mind. But we should ask ourselves. How would we feel about Boston today?

Two mobs formed this week. Both were wrong.  But those who try to stop either mob you are trampled. I’m called names, having words put in my mouth, called immature, deceptive and a traitor to liberty. Simply for standing with liberty and because I will not divide on faction.

I stand on a constant God given liberty. It does not preference you above anyone else. I’m not a politician, I’m a patriot. I stand for liberty and I don’t care if that offends you.

Look back on the media frenzy and you’ll see clips of people looting private property played over and over. This is a real crime and it’s unacceptable. But then watch what happens. Most protestors are not rioting at all, yet ANY protest no matter how peaceful is lumped into the riot. If it gets calm, police incite riots, crash bicycles into crowds, throw gas and toss flash bangs and make it one. Don’t pretend it’s not happening. It’s all on camera.

Last year American police killed over 1100 people. How many did protestors kill? — If you can’t see the real enemy, your eyes are closed. Both ends fight against the middle and all against each other, while real criminals violate liberty and trample justice at every turn.

Government and police are inciting riots and we’re falling for their game; crying for arrests and cheering more police abuse as long as we see it as against the “other” side. That’s not liberty and that “other side” wants the same liberty we do, even if though they may not fully understand the message.

You’re patriots dang it! Start acting like patriots and STOP acting like a lynch mob. — The rights of one are not removed because someone nearby broke a window. American police have declared war on America and it’s time to step up. Not with looting or rioting. Stand bold and peaceful. But start treated goverment officials who violate their oath and abuse liberty as the terrorists they are.

Police are inciting riot and patriots are cheering saying “we support the police”. That’s not supporting law. It’s supporting anarchy every bit as much as supporting looters.

Your irrational fear does not override anyone’s liberty!

Waking Up to Liberty:

I don’t care if you are white, black or blue; a policeman or a senator. Law and liberty is equal and just. Until we stand on that, we will never restore it. The hatred of our fellow man MUST STOP. We are divided, distracted and helping the ruin of liberty.

Until we affirm that the unlawful suffering of our neighbor is as evil as if it were ourselves, we cannot have liberty!

You don’t get to have liberty, then say three hundred folks in a protest should be detained. Due process does not allow you to “arrest them all”, “hang them all”, or “round them up.” That’s not liberty. That’s a lynch mob!

I know what a peaceful defiance looks like. I organized the largest 2A civil disobedience rally in history. We took peaceful defiance to a historic level. By principle and God’s grace not a punch was thrown, nor a piece of litter left on the ground. We all worked so hard to maintain a principled message. Those principles are why most liberty minded events are less chaotic. But how quickly we forget those standards when it comes to someone we don’t like.

I’ve seen more front line activism in two years than most will see in a lifetime. I know what tyranny looks like and I know what liberty looks like. I know the law because I have studied it. I know moral value because I have God’s word. I also know how weak I really am. But don’t think because I am only 30 years old that I fall for twisted words and propaganda. You should not either. We need to check ourselves.

I’m not interested in your faction, your color, or your party. I will NOT put my life, my fortune and my honor on the line for petty bickering and division. I WILL do it for principle, justice and liberty alone!

America is making up their values as they go. We have a double standard. We did the same during the Ferguson protests. Do we never learn the lessons of history? Do the blind always follow the blind?

There’s proof after proof of police attacking those committing no crimes, pepper spraying indiscriminately. Tear gas, explosives, physical attacks and shootings. Not just this week either. Don’t you dare say police have a right to do these things. These bureaucratic who are inciting riots across the nation. Let’s point the finger where it belongs.

Our goverment is lawless. So are many citizens. Yet goverment and police abuse is what started this. Not just Baltimore. The killings and constant abuse by police that are happening every day all over America. Don’t even try to pretend it’s not there. American police killed more in march than UK police did in a century. If the “good cops” are not standing up against the tyranny, they are are no longer good cops.

Is it a surprise America’s children are rising up? We have failed to be the sentinels of their liberty! Is it a surprise they are lacking principle? We have sent them to schools that teach there is no God, no morals and no principle! Who has really failed America? We have! If we do not get our eyes on the ball, America is lost.

Liberty judges by individual actions. Liberty is freedom from evil, tyranny, lies and abuse. Liberty means real law. Law that exists to protest the life, liberty and property of EVERY individual.

That means if someone is attacking those things, you have a right to defend yourself. No matter who is attacking. That also means when police attack people without just cause, those people have a right to defend themselves. It also means that the person who happens to stand on the same street or is part of the same outcry, has nothing to do with crimes simply by being there.

If we do not STOP getting divided over faction. If we do not STOP falling for propaganda. If we do not stop having two standards of liberty. Then liberty is fully lost and our children fully slaves. I implore you. Stand on principle, stand firm, defending all against tyranny from wherever it comes.

Be quick to stand, slow to violence, eager for peace. — But never give up justice or liberty for peace. It is false and you will be bound in the chains of false security, as we have done.

— Gav


Some links that reveal the truth about what’s happening.

Two stories. Mainstream media and what really happened.