I am not a chest beating ape and I refuse to propagate a lie, take part in false patriotism, or be silent! My hope is in Christ, my stand is for liberty. America is not the greatest nation. But Yahweh is the great God. I am prepared for the statements like “leave if you don’t […]
When Government Commits Treason! The Peaceful Man Rises! In times like these we start asking ourselves hard questions. While most Americans go about their days asleep to the the suffering coming on our children, some of us are carrying the heavy burden and looking for real answers. “Treason against the United States, shall consist only […]
A magistrate abusing liberty has no lawful authority and should be opposed. I was driving home awhile back and I pulled over to observe and record a traffic stop. Officer Canady had other ideas. — Why do we tolerate this lawless goverment? Fear and apathy is why. But the power of lawless law ends when […]
I felt compelled to write because noted how this video, while just a cheesy song in itself, summarizes Trump and many establishment campaigns like it. I’m not picking on the cute young ladies who no doubt put lots of practice into this diddy. Rather I point the finger at the apathy of those celebrating a […]
An 18 month FBI joint task force ended last night with the arrest for Jesus of Nazareth; a man some claim is the Son of God. A street preacher who draws small crowds was arrested and charged on multiple counts today including; Trespassing in a church, assault with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest, eluding police, […]
Obey Government. That’s what the bible says… Right? Rights come from God. — Life, liberty and property are the foundations of all lawful law. But America has become a nation who honors (respect, admire, venerate) and obeys the wicked rather than Yahweh, The false doctrine of Romans 13 wearies the spirit of those who love […]
Today I’m cutting this cage! No, I’m not becoming a fugitive. Not today. In last weeks video I explained why our nation is gone. Now Douglas County is corrupt. It’s residents tolerate the abuse of their neighbor and will not even speak up. They do it in the name of safety. They do it in […]
This week and every day after that until we stop it. Before you think I’m click baiting you need to watch the video through. Hear the names and look around at your neighbor. Attacks coming on people in your community, families and lives destroyed and even American citizens killed It’s happening every day and this […]
Soap Lake Officers Abandon Posts to Patrol Elsewhere! Soap Lake WA is a town known for police who are bored and love to harass people for petty infractions. Now they are cranking it up as officers regularly abandon their posts so they can go play in other towns. I frequently see their vehicles heading out […]
Comply or Die! Douglas County Superior court under Judge John Hotchkiss blocked my appeal from happening. I am now under house arrest for the next 14 days and on probation for 12 months; I comply at the point of a gun! We could keep fighting in the court, but in truth we cannot afford it […]