Tonight I cheer aloud to see that two anti gun and anti freedom Senators in the State of Colorado were RECALLED and OUSTED in a historic win for gun rights 🙂 Let it be known – When you break laws of the Constitution that WE THE PEOPLE laid upon you. You are a criminal […]
A terrorist is by definition one who terrorize or frightens people. Tell me. Who do you have more terror of. Your government, or the terrorists they claim to be protecting you from? There is good and there is evil. We cannot win against the evil by cowardice. By cooperating with evil and tyranny because it’s […]
I always record encounters with law enforcement. Inland Checkpoints that detail us in violation of the Constitution are a peeve of mine. There is a lie being spread that treating disrespectful behavior with open disdain is to disrespect authority — In truth rebelling against the rule of unjust law in order to oppose tyranny and […]
These are terms I hear often. Sadly they seem to be more associated with silencing others than with concern for the recipients of said animosity. I conclude this for America is a free nation and ones views and freedom of speech are deemed a God given right. Therefore these terms are false and should be […]