Then the Grant County Sheriff refuses to respond. You can phone the Courthouse (Auditors or Sheriff Office) 509-754-2011 GC Sheriff Facebook Page: All she had to do was her job! But Grant County Courthouse is not a place of law. No liberty, no principle, no courage. That’s the new America! I recently ran as […]
You will be fined! I’ve called you in! People sau pick your battles. I’m one of them. But this is less a battle than an example. We need to see the truth of what we have become and it’s hard to walk away from a situations where a 90 year old man is standing in […]
In this weeks video we talk about the rights of goverment and what they can do to YOU. It took minutes for the haters go off because I love Jesus, because I don’t hate the faction they hate, or because Salomone pretends I’m supporting the Muslim religion. But I’m not interested in such trash, only […]
We need to simplify the message. So today we’re going to talk about how simple law really is. If people understand law and liberty, everything changes. We must stop getting distracted and divided. We must stand. I could rant on, but the video says what everyone needs to know. Spread it around. — Gav
Your Day to Stand has Come! What a historic time. The choices we make will become the black and white pages of history. Wicked villains, patriot heroes, men of God and truth and many cowards who stood silent. What will you be? This is a piece of our story. I was raised aware of justice, […]
There is NO WAR on police! There is a WAR on LIBERTY! I’m tired of lies, spin and buzzwords! What about you? Police fatalities are at record lows. Police killing citizens however has exploded with over 1000 in 2014 and on target for more in 2015. That means police killed about 10X more civilians in […]
STOP! In the name of fruit! “So you’re a Constitutionalist?.. We’ve had problems with this before!” This is what we have become America. A nation of slaves where dissenters are punished and the wicked rule. This has nothing to do with agriculture. It’s all about control. Listen to these lawless officials. They KNOW they are […]
Defending morality AND Liberty! Some say that to stop immorality we need moral laws. In truth there is no such thing as immoral law; for only moral laws can be considered law at all. — Immoral behavior is lawless by nature; neither God, nor morals move one bit at the whim of government. For example […]
I’m Representing LIBERTY! That’s what we all should be saying. And so should our children. School started this week in Royal City WA. While my kids are home schooled, many kids have to suffer through our public brainwashing system. I always encourage parents to look for any other solution because our Federally run education […]
Local media tries to Spin HISTORIC Rally for LIFE! Collectively we have more reach than any news media. It’s time to call out their hypocrisy. Bad news reporting KILLS LIBERTY! The Spokane rally against genocide on 08/22/15 was HUGE. But KHQ News in Spokane apparently did not want to show that. So they showed after […]