Bundy Ranch from the Ground – 04/26 Yakima Recording

Congressional candidate Gavin Seim and others who were on the ground at Bundy Ranch talk first hand about what happened.
Congressional candidate Gavin Seim and others who were on the ground at Bundy Ranch talk first hand about what happened.
This week I watched America cave to bullies. …Give us God’s liberty, give us courage, give us purity of heart and we will stand and face lions unafraid.
My name is Gavin Seim. And I am not a lion made of paper … Nothing screams racism louder than someone who constantly screams racism…
Why were hundreds from all over America who did not even know each other, willing to die to protect your liberty? .. I remember standing the the communications trailer talking to..
As a congressional candidate, it’s perhaps more politically expedient to stay away from this. But that would not be representing like I said I would. So I’m going to give honest reflection. After what happened over last week I will never be the same. I was there. I witnessed pure bureaucratic terrorism in action. I […]
With Federal Agencies like the NSA listening in, how do we get a moment of privacy? This is how.
by Gavin Seim: Our society is being taught to accept that one can have life, liberty or property taken by government without having actually committed a crime. That summery rulings of judges or officers, when labeled neatly with the pretense of safety, can override due process. Is it true? No, and here is why we […]
Today’s discussion is about more than just guns. It’s about common sense. It’s about the safety of our nation and the real facts of our Constitution. In it we’ll look a bit at history and make a simple, fact based case for the safety of future generations. But it may not be what you think. […]
Join the Event here and invite your friends. Next week on March 13 we’re holding a liberty fundraiser for the campaign. It’s called a money bomb because we spread the word with the help of people like you. “Define Money Bomb” you ask? Great question…. It’s a grassroots fundraising effort over a brief fixed time […]
Free nations do not have arbitrary checkpoints! They are ALL Illegal. I wanted to share a video with you from an encounter we had last year before I begin to run for Congress. It represents the kind of conversations we need to be having and that I continue to engage in. The kind of […]