Washington, Behold Your Cowards!

Published January 6, 2015 - 2 Comments

Cowardice is alive and well! The game won’t change until WE change it with Bold Liberty. John Boehner was just re-elected as Speaker of the House and EVERY Washington State Republican in Congress voted for him. Including Dan Newhouse, Dave Reichert, Jaime Herrera Beutler and Cathy McMorris Rodgers. Pink jello occupies the space where the […]

A Bold New Year for Liberty!

Published January 1, 2015 - 2 Comments

I am nearly 30 years old now. For years I’ve seen people denounce tyranny, saying angrily they have had enough! Yet these rarely had the courage to defy that tyranny, expose the lies, or oust the fakes. Not only in government, but down to local gatherings in our communities filled with by anti-liberty frauds! Some […]

Are Most Cops Really Good Cops?

Published December 30, 2014 - 0 Comments

Good Cop or Bad Cop? You’re not a good cop because you don’t exterminate people. You’re a bad one if you don’t stand up to those who do. Right? We see lots of bad stories about police. But those are isolated incidents right? Well let’s ask tough questions today and get REAL answers. I hope […]

Titus Locke Seim, 12/26/14.

Published December 26, 2014 - 5 Comments

Despite being full term, Sondra has been going to rally’s and standing with us in liberty. But the day has come. Introducing Titus Locke Seim. Born 12/26/14 at 5:11 AM, a healthy 8lb 2oz boy. He was ready to get here and made a three point landing after just 4 hours of light labor and […]

These Signatures just Changed America!

Published December 23, 2014 - 0 Comments

Mainstream media is trying to ignore this. — But it’s still rumbling across America.   I counted the days. Because I was right at the center of it as 12/13/14 dawned cold and foggy in Olympia. We had refused to apply for a permit to gather at the Capita and we stepped into the morning […]

Bosworth & Seim EXPOSE Spokane County Police Corruption!

Published December 19, 2014 - 0 Comments

We heard Spokane County was corrupt… So we went there for some good old fashioned investigative journalism. — What we found was the tip of the iceberg in what seems to be a corrupt, lawless County under the consenting eye of Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich. Yes, that’s the same Sheriff who recently came under fire when […]

2000+ Armed Patriots Defy Felony Gun Restriction.

Published December 16, 2014 - 0 Comments

Update 1 Year Later: Today marks the anniversary of the day more than 2000 patriots came ARMED to the State Capital and defied felony gun restrictions in front of the world. We disobeyed that lawless law and than 700 signed the Declaration of Affirmation. More events followed; not protests, but principled defiance into to Oregon […]

Good Lord, that Man’s Trigger is Not Locked!

Published December 12, 2014 - 0 Comments

That man’s Trigger is not locked or flagged! These are the words immortalized by George Washington while he and his troops were encamped Morristown… Oh wait, he didn’t say that. Ever! Those that founded this America were willing to sacrifice everything for liberty. They were still afraid, they would have rather been home with their […]

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