News release: 11/07/14. Washington State. TO: All media organizations and groups. FROM: Gavin Seim, lead organizer of the “I WILL NOT Comply Rally”. Initiative 594 just passed in Washington State, bringing on residents mandatory gun background checks and making it a felony to privately purchase or even hand a gun to a friend without government […]
We Must ALL Be Activists! The biggest bullies in history are government and their minions “just doing their job”. Liberty is being violated by them as you read this. The world has laid down and now we must learn to stand again. Since last weeks viral video a lot of folks are asking how they […]
A Dark Alley in a Small Town! I would not recommend this stop the first time you hold government accountable. I locked the doors and had no intention of backing down. For those that are new to standing up to lawlessness, I suggest starting out in a busy well lit area. Having backup is also […]
This is what’s happening. Right now WA State residents are voting on something that will ripple around the world. If we lose this battle, the war on liberty and safety will become bigger than ever. Don’t think for a moment that if you live in another State you are free from this. Safety on our […]
You can also watch the original uncut version. Update: The sheriff is getting the cars marked. But its seems it’s only because we called him out. Listen to this interview and see what he says. So I made this traffic stop today… It’s very off the cuff. I had about 60 seconds from the moment […]
Watch, because what you’re about to see is chilling. Not the words alone, but that officials don’t care they are on camera. We see here the actions of tyrants who genuinely think they are better than us commoners. It is for them to rule and for serfs to obey and it’s happening all over America, […]
NO Cameras America! Moses Lake is a small town of about twenty thousand, run by lawless city manager named Joe Gavinski. He does the dirty work while the city council hides from responsibility. During my Congressional race the city was stealing my signs. Why? Because I would not sign a contract with them for a […]
Forget your delicate politically correct sensibilities…
Watch what happens when this guy calls them out..